Monday, November 17, 2008

2 + 2 = FAMILY

This is an amazing couple, Mike and Susan. And their soon to be official children, Alisha and John. They are family that met a little later in life.

We captured some fantastic, heart felt images of this great crew. Enjoy this teaser preview:

Mulvaney 7 burn

Miss Meghan

Here is a beautiful girl with a great future. As you can tell, she has a bit of Tyra in her :)

Enjoy Meghan's senior previews:

Meghan 9

Meghan 8

Meghan 7 vintage

Meghan 6

Meghan 5

Meghan 4

Meghan 3 burn

Meghan 2

Meghan 1

And another

on the way... This actually a family of 5, but the fifth has not yet arrived.

A great family I enjoy being around so much... previews to enjoy:

Seidler 9

Seidler 8

Seidler 7

Seidler 6

Seidler 5

Seidler 4

Seidler 3

Seidler 2 burn

Seidler 1

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Here is a young fellow who will be graduating soon.

Enjoy these previews :)

Bryan 8

Bryan 7 edge burn

Bryan 6

Bryan 5

Bryan 4

Bryan 3

Bryan 2

Bryan 1

Sunday, November 02, 2008

What a glorious, beautiful Saturday... the first of November. Who would have thought? I have been so lucky when it comes the weather dept!!

I ALWAYS enjoy working with family, friends and coaches! Coaches? Yes, this gentleman, Coach John, has the Patience of Jobe with my son, who can be difficult to coach. Which is unfortunate, because, unbiasedly, my oldest has the potential to be a great baseball pitcher. Thanks for all you do John!

Here is Coach John, his beautiful wife, Trish, and his two boys, Andrew & Austin. I think we captured some wonderful images! The images of John & Trish together were not cohersed...all very natural. So cute together!!

Medlin 10

Medlin 9

Medlin 8

Medlin 7

Medlin 6

Medlin 5

Medlin 4

Medlin 3

Medlin 2

Medlin 1